
The lack of education often leads to a mess of issues...lack of employment, lack of food, lack of medical care, and eventually, lack of life. One of are largest efforts is getting children proper education. 

MEFL know that education also leads to tolerance.   Greater efforts need to be made to teach children about tolerance and human rights, about other ways of life. Children should be encouraged at home and in school to be open-minded and curious." Opening the eyes of the youth, of the teachers, and of the community to see and experience the value in books, computer-accessed information, and cross-cultural communication, for example, can help fight the intolerant views that many have and do hold. 

Helping to educate children and their parents is our number one priority. This education may come through us providing food so that they can focus on their studies or through simple donations of school supplies. We hope you find our website and goals empowering.

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